среда, 16. децембар 2009.


Ae svi na rs1.travian.rs Severo-zapad i upadajte u -+allyEP savez... :))) Javite se kaskader-u ako hocete..

Sta ima, drugari?? Ja evo zavrsavam ovo polugodiste ( ali je kraj tek 16.1. ), dosta se uci, pa i nisam mogao da pisem, ali ima dosta zanimljivih stvari u ovoj karlovackoj :)

Evo par pesama, da se setite prosle zime :
Katy Perry - Hot & Cold
Katy Perry - Kissed a girl
Lady GaGa - Just dance
Gorillaz - Army of the pharaos
... ima ih jos dosta koje me podsete na proslu zimu, kad su bili hitovi...

недеља, 9. август 2009.

Tourism! - Österreich

Ambras Castle

Ambras Castle, located above Innsbruck in Tirol, can be seen far and wide—and it is one of the provincial capital’s most important sites. Its cultural and historical significance is inseparably linked with the personality of Archduke Ferdinand II (1529–1595), a true “Renaissance prince” who was an enthusiastic patron of the arts and sciences. He founded the Ambras collections, which became world-famous during his own lifetime, and had a specially conceived museum complex built for them—something like a prototype of the present-day museum.

The display at the Lower Castle attempts to reconstruct the Archduke’s museum: his Chamber of Art and Curiosities, the Chambers of Armour and the Antiquarium.

The Upper Castle contains the exceptional Portrait Gallery of the Habsburgs with its over 200 paintings, including ones by artists such as Lukas Cranach, Titian, Van Dyck and Velázquez.

On the ground floor of the Upper Castle is the Collection of Late Medieval Sculptures.

субота, 8. август 2009.

IPL Pause

IPL je trenutno na pauzi - odmor! Mozda se pojavi neki post, mozda i ne. Puno pozdrava iz Austrije!
Mladen Andrejic

уторак, 21. јул 2009.

IPL Forum - Online...

Mogu slobodno da se pohvalim da smo u rad pustili IPL Forum... Forum se, zbog uskladjivanja DNS-ova, trenutno nalazi na free domainu, tacnije http://www.ipl-forum.tk . Uskladjivanje ce trajati najvise 3 dana, a do toga je doslo jer domain i hosting nisu kupljeni kod iste firme. Registrujte se i uzivajte u sadrzaju foruma. Admin Team se potrudio da forum napravi sto boljim....

Jeftine stvari plati, skupe nemoj!

U poslednje vreme sve je vise i vise sajtova na net-u, vi imate svoj, ali je poddomen... Cene domena su relativno jeftine .com .net ... kostaju oko 800 din./god. Jos ako naletite na akciju, mozete proci jos bolje... Ali posle domena, dolazi registracija hostinga, koja i nije tako jeftina... Stoga, uradite sledece! Napravite potpuno besplatan acc na 000webhost.com upisi kupljen domen i pokreni hosting... Pomocu FTP a uploaduj site, sacekaj DNS Transfer i kupljeni domen je pod free hosting-om, a to niko ne zna...

Ovo mozda zvuci kao reklama, ali je dobar savet za one kojima se ne placaju tako skupi hosting paketi!

понедељак, 20. јул 2009.

IPL Forum

Pored bloga stize i forum... Naime, In Primo Luogo ( IPL ) pravi i forum, da bi se aktivacija ubrzala, forum ce za pocetak biti na besplatnom domenu, a kasnije i na originalnom.
Adresa foruma ce biti http://www.ipl-forum.co.nr
Pozz, idem da instaliram forum na FTP!

Sve informacije na jednom mestu...

www.digg.com - Sve novosti, slike, klipovi.... I jos mnogo toga na jednom sajtu....

Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our users. You won’t find editors at Digg — we’re here to provide a place where people can collectively determine the value of content and we’re changing the way people consume information online.

How do we do this? Everything on Digg — from news to videos to images — is submitted by our community (that would be you). Once something is submitted, other people see it and Digg what they like best. If your submission rocks and receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of our visitors to see.

And it doesn’t stop there. Because Digg is all about sharing and discovery, there’s a conversation that happens around the content. We’re here to promote that conversation and provide tools for our community to discuss the topics that they’re passionate about. By looking at information through the lens of the collective community on Digg, you’ll always find something interesting and unique. We’re committed to giving every piece of content on the web an equal shot at being the next big thing.

Dakle, "kopajte" ono sto vas interesuje ili dodajte vesti, pa cekajte da budu "iskopane"...

недеља, 19. јул 2009.

In the game... Again!

Oni koji su gledali FeaR ZoNe blog, videli su da igram travian... Acc sam ugasio 5.3.2009. i krenuo sa ozbiljnim spremanjem prijemnog ispita... :)) Sada kada sam polozio prijemni ispit, upisao se u srednju skolu ( Karlovacku Gimnaziju ) sada sam ponovo na Travian serverima, i to :
speed.travian.rs - nick : FadeOOUT
s4.travian.com - nick : FadeOOUT

Tek sam poceo... :)) Na spped-u Natare dolaze za koji dan, zato sam tu da vidim situaciju i onda kada server opet krene idem u pohode... :D
A sto se tice s4.travian.com , tu je server poceo 13.7. tako da je tu situacija jos uvek u razvoju...

Mladen Andrejic

The beginig of the story...

Posto je Dositej Obradovic blog prestao sa radom... Otvoren je nov blog, moj licno! :D
Mozete posetiti i Gam!ng blog... FeaR ZoNe